CIO Analytics Dashboard
Below is an example of one of Rundas' CIO dashboards and the various CIO measures (dependent on our client's reporting strategy) that we deploy for the MD, CEO, CIO and included in their management reports with extracts included in their executive and board reports/analytics.
Rundas hopes that you find the contents of this dashboard of interest and that it also provides you with additional information as to the type of reporting/analytics that can be deployed specific for the CIO, including the various types of measures and report/dashboard filters.
In this CIO dashboard example the following measures have been included:
Availability (%)
Expenditure ($m)
IT Net Promoter Score (%)
Level 1 Incidents
HR Incidents
Operating Profit/(Loss)
Projected Financial Results
Labour Costs
Availability of Core Systems
Realised CAPEX Benefits
Project Status
If you have any questions relating to your board and management reporting strategy, analytics, dashboards, scorecards or automation then please contact us.