Connect Your Not-For-Profit Association Data to Your Mission
Data, BI, Analytics and Visualizations for Not-for-Profit Charity ACNC and for Purpose Organisations
Not-for-profit and for-purpose associations generate a large amounts of diverse data about their clients, surveys, members, events, subscriptions and finance areas including other from other function. This data and information is generally located and stored in various and disparate databases, spreadsheets and Word documents throughout your organisation. These result in your teams' analysis becomes labour intensive, inefficient, inaccurate due to their not being 'one version of the truth' resulting in it being almost impossible to get an accurate insights and answers.
Every for-purpose organisation and not-for-profit association’s mission varies and we at Rundas can partner with you in designing, implementing BI, data and analytics solutions for your organisation to allow you to better understand your clients, members and donors.

View Your Customers 360 Degrees
Merge, integrate and analyse your data from multiple management systems and spreadsheet to create insightful visualizations to provide you an in depth view and understanding of your clients, donors and members.

Profile Your Supporters and Donors
Profile your donors, members and supporters including various key demographics and engagement history to enhance your marketing and communication strategy to increase their return on investment and engagement levels

Retention Analytics of Your Members
Review and analyse the growth, churn and retention of your members, donors and clients. Identify insights in the trends of new members and clients registration drivers and trends to discover the key factors leading to new and retained memberships

Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning
Engage and utilise advanced software application tools and methodologies that allow you to collect and investigate large organisational and association data insightfully and efficiently. With the objective of developing and enhancing your capabilities to perform advanced analysis, visualizations and predictive analytics.

Effectiveness of Your Events
Analyse the effectiveness of marketing events including webinars, conferences and other events to identify their Return On Investment (ROI Analytics) to identify and manage your members, donors and clients engagement drivers.

Data Fact Based Operational Strategies
Take full advantage of your internal and external data to create insightful BI visualization analytics to increase the efficiency of your operations and the manner in which you allocate and deploy resources across different programs.
What Our Analytics Do For Charity
At Rundas we partner with you across the complete data, BI and analytics visualization lifecycle. We start with your strategy and progress through to your implementation and us supporting you to extract the greatest insights and value from you data for the benefit of your organisation. We allowing you to make sense of your data and to utilise it in solving complex problems.

Data Strategy
Evolving with your data, BI, Analytics and Visualizations begins with a robust strategy. Rundas partners with you to design, plan and implement your medium and long term strategy. We help you in defining the team, functions, processes, and technology stack you require to support your organisation in putting in place the foundations to begin using your data assets to achieve your business goals.

Data Management
At Rundas we partner with you and depending on your requirements and preferences progress in designing and implementing your data management plan for either off-premise cloud-based or on-premises or a combination hybrid data solutions across secure infrastructure that supports adaptable and flexible data architectures to act as the foundation your organisation requires to maximise the return from all of your data assets.

Our clients benefit from our advanced BI analytics visualization templates. We implement powerful data BI analytics solutions. In addition we automate data and reporting processes, turning disparate data sources into consolidated insights based on improve data quality and data governance methodologies. Our analytics BI reports are structured to communicate valuable insights and predict future trends.
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