Aged Care Budgeting, Planning, Analytics & Reporting
Delivering advanced budgeting, forecasting, planning and analytics solutions and services including outsourced SaaS to healthcare, hospitals and aged care providers.
Rapid business performance is attainable by partnering with Rundas for aged healthcare hospital providers with advanced reporting, business intelligence (BI), analytics and scenario models encompassing budgets, forecasts, planning and benchmarking internally and externally against other aged care, healthcare and hospital providers.

The above can be attained by evaluating and analyzing scenarios and target operating models encompassing:
Increasing revenue and operating support services per revenue dollar with acquisitions and increasing revenue per occupied bed per day.
Operating model changes and their impacts on EBITDA, NPAT, balance sheet structure and cash flow impacts.
Net Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) impacts.
Most effective capital expenditure (CAPEX) deployment to increase aged healthcare business growth and operational efficiencies while increasing residents’ satisfaction levels.
Aged care facility development pipeline financial sustainability across different scenarios including Monte Carlo analysis.
Increasing the number of additional places and increasing aged care occupancy rates and their sensitivity to pricing changes.
Key business operational drivers to increase aged care EBITDA include:
Increasing government revenue per occupied bed day Increasing care funding.
Increasing contributions from significantly refurbished facilities.
Increasing resident revenue per occupied bed day.
Increasing other income from Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP), Club memberships and other additional services fees.
Efficient and effective management of operational staffing levels.
Proactively managing residents health and wellbeing resulting in residents living longer with a better quality of life.
Additionally some of the key aged care statistics to be monitored include:
Number of facilities.
Total places.
Total operational places.
Total rooms.
Total single bed rooms.
Percentage of operational places in a single bed room.
Percentage of rooms that are single bed rooms.
Average facility size (number of operational places).
Facilities approved as significantly refurbished.
The strategy to increase benefits and results to residents and shareholders of aged healthcare facilities can include:
Acquisition of single facilities.
Acquisition of portfolios.
Brownfield site redevelopment.
Development of greenfield facilities.
Contact us to discuss your how we can partner to sustainably increase your organisation’s financial and operational performance.
Including discussing your Financial KPI Analytics, BI and Reporting strategy including your budgeting, planning and forecasting modelling and applications
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